Eat, Explore and Experience

Only the best make the list.

Our Recommendations

Surfing, Kite Surfing and Windsurfing

Some of Spain’s best surfing, kite-surfing and wind surfing spots are situated in between Tarifa and Cádiz on the Costa de la Luz. In fact, it is the town of Tarifa (Cádiz province) which is considered the birthplace of Spanish surfing. Here you will find national and international surfing championships and events.

All year round you can catch a good wind in Cádiz and Chiclana de la Frontera although if you are planning your holidays to spend it on the waves and catching the wind, the best time will be out of the season.

Windsurfing is one of the most popular sports in Chiclana de la Frontera and attracts water sports enthusiasts from all over the world to this beautiful region in Spain.


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Andalusian Horses

Andalusia, is the breeding grounds for the Andalusian horse, a strong and powerful race favoured by Moorish kings and thought to have evolved from the Portuguese breed. From The Royal Andalusian School of Equestrian Art, through Feria de Caballos in Jerez de la Frontera, famous Beach Horce Raicing in Sanlucar de Barrameda to horse riding during the sunset on the beach. This is a place for horses lovers!

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From birds watching, ocean fishing to playing with macaques on the Rock of Gibraltar. Today the Gibraltar population represents the only free-living monkeys in Europe. In Fuente de Piedra Natural Park you can watch the second largest colony of Flamingos in Europe.

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Events and Festivals

In Andalucia you will find plenty of Events and special Holiday. Every season has it´s own celebrations: Carnival, Ferias, Easter, Horse Races on the beach, Fishing, Religious celebrations, Christmas and many more.

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The magnificent climate allows professionals and amateurs to enjoy golf all the year round. Cadiz is one of the best golfing holiday destinations in Europe.

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The famous la Playa de Barossa is 8 km of fine white sands and clear blue water. La Playa de la Caleta situated near barrio el Viña in Cádiz and was pictured in James Bond movie, Die another Day. La playa de la Victoria with main promenade – Paseo Marismo and many tapaserias overlooking the sea.La Playa de Santa Maria del Mar – small and intimate, covers the ancient walls of Cádiz. La Playa de la Cortadua – the most unspoilt golden sand beach in Cádiz!El Palmar, Zahora, Caños de Meca, Playa de Bolonia with amazing roman ruins on its side…and many more…

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Towns: Chiclana, Cadiz, Sevilla, Jerez, Giblartar

The old walled towns of Cadiz province and Sevilla are densely packed with medieval churches, Arabic forts, watchtowers, palaces, bodegas, tobacconists, scooters, bars full of bullfighting paraphernalia, and people eating fish at rickety tables that block the traffic.

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Sea Wildlife – whales, dolphins

Throughout the year we can watch in the Strait of Gibraltar: long-finned pilot whales, bottlenose dolphins, common dolphins, and striped dolphins. If we are lucky, we might also see orcas, sperm whales or fin whales.

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National Parks

Sierra de Grazalema Natural Park is one of Andalucia’s most visited parks with its wildelife, rugged limestone landscape and great hiking territory. The Alcornocales Natural Park – gentle walking experience amid centuries-old cork oak woodland. The Estrecho Natural Park – prime spot for viewing the twice-yearly migration of birds between Europe and Africa. The Bahía de Cádiz Natural Park has one of Europe’s most important wetlands.

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